Absence Reporting Procedure: If your student will be absent from school for any reason, please report the absence. Families can report an absence using our attendance line or the HHS Absence Form.
- Attendance Phone Number: 734-994-4327
When you need to report your child's absence, please make sure to provide the following information:
- Student's Name (Please spell the last name to ensure accuracy.)
- Student I.D. Number
- Grade Level
- Date(s) and Time(s) of Absence
- Reason for Absence
- Your Name and Relationship to the Student
- Indicate if the Student is Dual Enrolled
The Student's Duty is to:
- Be in the classroom when the second bell rings.
- Make arrangements with their teacher to make up work upon return from an excused absence.
- Know their attendance record.
- Attend all classes unless excused by a parent or guardian, are excused by a school-sponsored activity (e.g., AWAY athletic game)
- Inform their teacher of the excused absence ahead of time, and complete assignments beforehand, if possible.
- Complete and submit a Pre-Planned Absence Form to their grade level principal for extended absences, for approval.