

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Bankey

A few things about me: I live in Ann Arbor with my husband, Chris, and I have two daughters that have graduated from college. I have a little dog named Piccadilly (Ellie for short) and a larger rescue dog, Mr. Fletcher.  I love the Harry Potter book series.  I love Star Wars (The Millennium Falcon is the greatest ship in the universe). I also enjoy volunteering. I was an Ann Arbor Rec & Ed girls soccer coach for many years (Go Mighty Ladybugs!), I volunteered at the Detroit Maker Fair at the Henry Ford Museum with the Coke and Mentos Guys (aka Eepy Bird) helping set-up and clean-up the exploding soda pop show and I have also volunteered for the Detroit Grand Prix! I attended the University of Michigan for undergraduate and graduate studies.  After completing my graduate studies from the School of Information, I was lucky enough to meet President Barack Obama at my graduation. 

I have been teaching in the Ann Arbor Public Schools (AAPS) for about 15 years.  I am currently participating in the AAPS initiative to get a Masters in English as a Second Language (ESL) through Western Michigan University.  I am also a District Science Curriculum member and work with the district Environmental Education Support committee.

Science is my favorite subject, especially weather and astronomy. 

I am looking forward to a great school year together!