Clague Attendance Line: 734-994-1982
Attendance and Punctuality:
To ensure student success and continuity in reaching the
learning targets, we will need your support to make sure
students are consistently present and on time for class. We
understand that sometimes absences and tardies are
unavoidable.Parents please call the attendance line and report/excuse
student absences. Leave a message to report students
absence/tardy before 9:00 am on the day of absence.Absences During the Day:
When a student is going to be absent for any reason, the parent
or guardian is requested to call the Blue House Office as early
as possible. When a student returns to school, he/she/they
immediately goes to the Blue House Office and receives an
Admit to Class Pass. Each hour, the teacher will check for an
Admit slip if the student was not excused on the Daily
Attendance List (DAL). Teachers should check the DAL each
day to record excused absences. Students are allowed to make
up their work when they have an excused absence.