Student Expectations:
- Students are expected to complete an orientation at the beginning of each term for each class.
- Students are expected to work consistently online by completing the full requirement of work as laid out by the pacing chart each week.
- Students are expected to complete the course by the posted end date of term.
- Students are expected to keep appointments made with A2 Virtual+ staff.
- Students are expected to advocate for themselves with the teacher located in PowerSchool. This means emailing and/or setting up times to meet when students have questions or need support.
- Students are expected to complete the Weekly Attendance every Wednesday.
- Students are expected to be honest and do their own work.
- Students are expected to have two assessments proctored for each class each term by the specified time listed in the term calendar. This means that the student must take the assessment in-person under the supervision of an A2 Virtual+ staff member.
- Students are expected to monitor their official grade in PowerSchool.
- Students are expected to take all district tests including the pre and post tests if required for a class. Information about specific tests will be included in Schoology at the start of each term.
- Students are expected to contact their online instructor/mentor as soon as possible when extenuating circumstances or longer health problems arise.
Parent Expectations:
- Parents are expected to use the A2 Virtual+ webpage to find resources and answers to questions.
- Parents are expected to monitor students' progress in Schoology and students' official grades in PowerSchool. Parents and students should review grades in PowerSchool at least once a week.
- Parents are expected to encourage their student to stay on pace and submit the Weekly Attendance every Wednesday in Schoology.
- Parents are expected to encourage their students to be advocates for themselves.
- Parents are expected to contact a student's online instructor/mentor as soon as possible when extenuating circumstances or extended health problems arise with the student.
- Parents are expected to arrange for transportation for students to attend proctoring sessions.
Staff Expectations:
- Staff is expected to have regular, documented, and ongoing instructive interaction with the student.
- Staff is expected to answer emails within 24 hours Monday-Friday, excluding holidays and breaks.
- Staff is expected to grade and return assignments to students, with constructive comments, within one week.
- Staff is expected to regularly update PowerSchool.Grades will be updated each week.
- Staff is expected to inform students and parents when a student is not on pace to earn credit in their course.