Communication between school and home is an important tool for your child’s education.
This website is updated weekly and as needed and contains information about curriculum, classroom events, and other important information. You will receive an email on Fridays at 4PM with a short list of items updated and the link to the website. In order to save us both valuable time, please check this website for answers to questions you may have before contacting me. I have based the contents of my webpage on 29 years worth of parent questions, so most answers should be there!
Students have an Assessment Binder. In the binder will be information about goals, behavior, and progress along with assessments and needed resources. Students will be responsible for keeping their binder up to date and for making sure that they go home every Friday and come back every Monday. Please look closely at the binders when they come home, including their Goal Sheets which I make notes on every Friday.They will be the main communication tool between school and home.Students will have access to Schoology. I will post all lessons in folders, along with parent and student resources. This is a valuable tool for students to reiew lessons when they are absent, or if they were unclear about something.
I am happy to answer any questions or concerns that you may have. The best way to contact me is by email. I check it every school day, usually right before and after school, and I am really good at responding right away. My email address is If you need to get timely information to me during the instructional day, please contact the office to get a message to me as I am not always able to check my email during this time. If your question or concern is not possible to communicate by email, please contact me by email to set up an appointment.