A Call to Action for our Ann Arbor Community

  • The actions of our Board, our AAPS team, and our students, however, are insufficient to achieve the change we need to ensure the safety of our students at school without the support of our lawmakers. We are compelled to call for action beyond the scope of our own public school efforts and we ask others to join together with us in demanding immediate action in support of our children’s safety. At the federal, state, and local level, we must see definitive action from our lawmakers and persons in positions of authority and responsibility to ensure that our children and the staff who care for them are safe on every day at school. We are grateful to many groups who have aligned their efforts with ours in support of this work for change.

    As a reminder for students, parents, and staff, when any concerns or unease arise, we encourage students and parents to reach out right away to an adult at school for assistance. We want to know anytime there are concerns. For those who would prefer to share a concern anonymously, we recommend using the OK2Say tool, where tips can be submitted 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week by telephone, text message, email, mobile app, or via the OK2SAY website at http://www.michigan.gov/ok2say

    Ensuring that our more than 50 million children are safe to learn and grow in our nation's classrooms is a commitment we must make, a promise we must keep. Together, we have the capacity to solve this problem and to prevent future tragedies. We must take action. Our children are counting on us. 

    We reassure our students, parents, and community that the Ann Arbor Public Schools will always hold student safety as our top priority, even before our critical mission of teaching and learning. We take the care and protection of our students as the most serious responsibility we hold in serving the more than 18,000 students entrusted to our care. Thank you for your support of our children and of the Ann Arbor Public Schools.


    Swift signature

    Jeanice K. Swift
    Superintendent of Schools
    Ann Arbor Public Schools