Reimagine Learning 2020-21 FAQs

  • Please check back regularly - we will be adding questions & answers to this page as plans develop.

FAQs March 15th - SISS Community Meeting

  • Will my child receive his/her related services (speech, OT, etc) when they return to in-person instruction?

  • My child has been waiting to get an evaluation for special education services for several months. When will this occur?

  • When does my child return to school?

  • Will my child be in school 4 days a week or 2 days a week?

  • How will staff help my child with 1:1 help and stay socially distanced?

  • When will my child’s teacher or case manager contact me about my child’s IEP and plans for hybrid?

  • Will my child’s paraprofessional continue to support my child?

  • My child currently has a GFECLP. When will their full IEP be back in place?

  • What about Recovery Services? When will that happen?

  • Will the buildings be ready for our students to return?

  • If I only want my child in the self contained placement to attend 2 days per week instead of 4, can we do that?

  • I would like for my child to stay virtual, but I want them to have their speech/OT/Resource services in person. Can we arrange drop in services?

  • My child attends Early On programming, when will they get in person services?

  • What happens when a child needs a medical treatment, sensory room breaks, and CPI? How will staff maintain 6 feet of distancing?

  • When will I find out which cohort my student is in?

FAQs February 12th - Elementary Hybrid In-School Learning Option

  • Why is it necessary to implement a hybrid plan for the return of elementary students rather than having students return for the full week?

  • What is the protocol if a staff member or student tests positive, and what is the plan at the elementary level for contact tracing? How are families notified if there is a positive case in a school building?

  • When we come back to a hybrid option, what changes will happen in the typical classroom experience? For instance, will we have students gathering on the carpet or participating in group work?

  • Will students get to have in-person art, music and gym?

  • Will students have to switch their teachers if they choose in-person versus remaining online?

  • How will recess and student proximity be monitored?

  • How will lunches be handled?

  • What will happen to the current food distribution for students?

  • Will students share school supplies, and will students need to bring them from home?

  • How strictly will the social distancing and other guidelines be followed?

  • If a student is not able to wear a mask due to a medical reason, will the families of the other students in the classroom be notified?

  • How will teachers balance teaching students in the classroom and those learning from home?

  • Will students in the classroom be on zoom all day long?

  • Can parents and other visitors come into the school building?

  • How are face-to-face meetings, including PTO and afterschool enrichment meetings, going to happen?

FAQs January 15th

  • I understand that the AAPS will begin offering the hybrid in-school option for students this spring. Will parents have a choice in this option?

  • I would prefer my student return to attend school five days per week. Why is the district using the hybrid model for in-school learning?

  • What is the hybrid learning model?

  • What is AAPS doing to protect students and staff from COVID-19?

  • My family is going to want to come back when the hybrid options open. What precautions will we need to take to keep our children safe?

  • Will PPE be supplied at each school?

FAQs October 30th

  • I was recently on the grounds of my child’s school building and saw desks, tables and chairs in the middle of the classroom. What work has been done or is in progress to prepare AAPS buildings for reopening and in-school learning? Are the schools ready for students to return?

  • What is the District doing to maintain school buildings and ensure they are in good shape during the closure?

  • What preparations are being made for ventilating buildings with fresh air when students and staff return?

  • How are drinking water fixtures being prepared for a return to in-person instruction?

  • How are restrooms being prepared?

  • Will visitors to school be allowed?

  • What will arriving at school and getting to classes look like?

  • What will the classrooms look like?

  • What will school offices look like?

  • What happens if a student starts exhibiting symptoms while at school?

  • How will AAPS pay for preparing buildings for the time when students start to return in limited numbers?

  • How can I add parental controls on my child’s AAPS device, for example YouTube blocking, limiting access to non-educational games, etc?

FAQs October 12th

  • We understand that the AAPS has implemented virtual literacy materials for elementary as well as a K12 SORA digital library. What is this, and when will it be available for students?

  • Is it possible to access SORA, the AAPS digital library, with a kindle?

  • My student uses Google Hangouts every day as an important way to connect with friends. Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to use it recently - has it been disabled by the district, and what can be done to resolve this?

  • What type of research is being shared to inform the recommendation of the AAPS Leadership Team and the Board of Education’s decision about the timing of a return to hybrid learning?

  • Is there a priority placed on the order of return to in-school learning for our most vulnerable students, including students with disabilities, and the youngest learners, lower elementary students?

  • The dashboard is a nice visual, but can you clarify what actually needs to be true for children to return to in-school learning?

  • How often is the AAPS COVID Dashboard updated?

  • I understand that the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) has recently begun reporting school COVID outbreaks each week?
    Where may we view this information, and what does it reveal to us about COVID in Michigan schools?

  • I understand that schools/school districts are now required to publicly post the occurrences of COVID cases on their website. Does the AAPS currently have this information posted, where is it, and what can we expect to see moving forward?

  • When will we hear more about the completed and still-in-progress work to prepare our school buildings for a staff and student return to in-school learning?

FAQs September 29th

  • Now that the 20-21 school year has begun virtually, does the AAPS intend to wait until there is a COVID vaccine to resume in-school learning?

  • Does the AAPS intend to remain virtual; what are the possible approaches to school that may occur this year?

  • If the AAPS should make the decision to move to a hybrid school plan, may I choose to have my child remain fully virtual if my student/our family does not yet feel ready for a return to in-school learning?

  • During this virtual learning time, how do I request additional support for my child if we are struggling with virtual format?

  • What is the timing when the children are going to be transitioned back to in-school learning? Neighboring school districts have return dates, so why doesn’t AAPS?

  • In what ways will we be able to give priority for face-to-face learning to students with specialized learning needs, such as an IEP or English Language Learners, the youngest students, and others who may struggle with virtual learning?

  • Will there be a survey to the parents to solicit input on the value of the virtual education the children are receiving?

  • Being online for three hours or more a day has become excessive for my kindergarten child. Would the district consider half-days for kindergarten?

  • I see that the AAPS website now has metrics posted, but at what point and how will the return to in-person learning be communicated with families?

  • Why is the AAPS not allowing spectators at athletic events, when our stadiums and arenas have ample space for social distancing? Would the district reconsider allowing 2 spectators per athlete to attend games?

FAQs August 25th

  • When will school start for the 2020-21 school year?

  • In what ways does the AAPS Virtual Instructional model differ from the remote learning students experienced during mid-March - June last spring?

  • What is the daily schedule in the AAPS Virtual Instructional model for Fall, 2020?

  • What rationale was used to make the decision to begin with fully virtual learning?

  • What data will be used to determine whether the AAPS is on a fully virtual, hybrid, or in-person learning delivery?

  • How and when may students, staff, and parents anticipate the transition to in-person learning in the AAPS?

  • When data indicate that a return to in-person school may begin, how will the transition to in-person learning occur in the AAPS?

  • What support structures are being put in place to support students and families who are most in need during virtual learning in the AAPS?

  • How will students be identified for a Connections+ support group?

  • How will parents and students have an opportunity to share input and feedback on the AAPS Reimagine Learning Plan?

  • What are the options for parents and students to consider for learning during the 2020-21 school year?

HS Daily Schedule & Semester FAQs

  • What has changed with HS daily schedules and school-year calendars?

  • What factors were considered in creating a common daily schedule and school-year calendar for all five high schools?

  • What is the daily schedule?

  • What school year calendars were considered? Why semesters?

  • Will students have room for elective choices in their schedules?

  • What is happening with fall sports for high school and middle school? Marching band?

Middle School FAQs

  • What factors were considered in creating a common daily schedule and school-year calendar for the middle schools?

  • What is the daily middle school schedule?

  • Will middle school still have an advisory for students?

  • Why did the middle school move to a block schedule?

  • Will the middle school schedule have my child on a screen the entire school day?

  • If I sign up for A2 Student Link can I change it if students return back to school?

  • If I choose A2 Classroom Connect and I'm not comfortable sending my child back to school, will I be forced to send him/her in person?

  • When some middle school students of the A2 Classroom Connect group return to the classroom, will the remaining students participate virtually in the classroom sessions?