Student Devices

  • AAPS provides a Chromebook or iPad to each student in the district to support teaching and learning experiences at school and home. The district’s 1:1 Program ensures that every student 1) has access to a working device with the necessary district-sponsored tools, web apps and program shortcuts, 2) can easily access the device with login credentials and updated security settings, and 3) has access to the district’s Technology Team to help troubleshoot device issues, handle device repairs, and provide annual device maintenance. Students & Families need to complete the 21-22 District 1:1 Device Contract Form (Spanish version) before receiving a device.

    Beginning of the School Year

    For the start of the school year, devices are issued from the student’s home school. Each school building will set the device deployment dates & times. Please look for building communications for registration/device pick-up details.

    During the School Year

    Once the school year starts, we scan PowerSchool on a regular basis to identify new and returning students and prep a device for them.  Devices are delivered to the student at their home school.  If you are new or returning to the district as a full-time virtual student, please call the Student & Family Help Desk at 734-997-1222 to schedule an appointment to pick-up your child’s device.


    AAPS works with families who are having connectivity issues or are in need of internet access through our A2Schools Connects initiative to support student learning at home. Families can call the Student & Family Help Desk at 734-997-1222 or Ayuda en Español at 734-997-1246. Families can also send an email to to learn more about the program offerings.