• Announcements/Daily Bulletin

    Daily announcements are NOT LONGER read over the Public Address (PA) system. You may find the announcements here (link on the left), homepage of this website, and in PowerSchool. A printed copy of the Daily Bulletin is posted at the Main Office daily.

    Announcement Submission Instructions:
    Teachers, staff, coaches and advisors may email their announcement requests to hur_dailybulletin@aaps.k12.mi.us but must arrive prior to 9:00 am to be included in that day's announcements. Make sure you include all of the days that you want the announcement posted. 

    Parents only, may receive the daily school announcements via email. You must log into your PowerSchool parent account and set-up your email notifications. Contact your student's grade level office if you have not received your login information.

    Announcements are updated daily.