Fine Arts Department

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    The Ann Arbor Public Schools is nationally and internationally known for our excellent, rich K-12 Arts offerings.  Our schools are full of opportunities for students to create, perform, and present in visual art, dance, music and theatre.  Equity and access drives this programming ensuring that all students have opportunities to develop skills in these various arts disciplines.  Elementary students in grades K-5 are instructed by Arts certified teachers in visual art, and vocal and instrumental music. Creative movement, composition and theatre experiences are embedded within these elementary arts offerings.   Our middle and high schools offer a wide range of elective classes in the Arts from Jewelry to Jazz, Classical to Contemporary, Dance and Design, Theatre and Technology infused arts instruction.  We offer classes that teach students to think independently, work collaboratively, and to produce at an extraordinarily high level. We're proud of our students and staff and we think you will be too. Take a look at some of our students' work and the activities in which we participate. Find out more about our curriculum, our courses and our faculty.

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