Academic Honors


    Students who have cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or better will be recognized by:

    • "with honors" written on the diploma.
    • a dagger(†) cited beside the name in the commencement program
    Students who have cumulative grade point average of 3.20 to 3.49 will be recognized by:
    • an asterisk (*) cited beside the name in the graduation program.
    The grades of students who have transferred from another school district should be factored in with the A.A.P.S grades and counted toward the above honors.


    Students who have earned a 3.5 or better for one or more of their A.A.P.S. years are entitled to wear a cord on the graduation gown according to the following guidelines. (Recipients will receive the highest award indicated.)

    • 1 year - white honor cord
    • 2 years - bronze honor cord
    • 3 years - silver honor cord
    • 4 years - green honor cord
    • National Honor Society - gold honor cord

    The grades of students who have transferred from another district are not included in our annual honor roll recognition (except for grades earned at another AAPS high school).