- Ann Arbor Public Schools
- Who Can Apply
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Who Can Apply?
Basic Requirements for Residents
Student Age: In order to receive funding from the State of Michigan, students must be five (5) years old by December 1 and less than twenty (20) years old on September 1 for the enrolling school year.
Guardianship: The enrollment process must be completed online by a parent or legal guardian.
Residency: Michigan law provides that, in order to complete and maintain enrollment, a parent or guardian must be a resident within the geographical boundaries of the Ann Arbor School District. Students living within the boundaries are guaranteed enrollment at their designated neighborhood schools. Residents wishing to enroll their children at a school other than their neighborhood building may apply for a space-available in-district transfer.
Additional Eligible Enrollees
Homeless Students — In accordance with the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act (2015) and AAPS BOE Policy 5110.R.01, students who meet the federal definition of “homeless” have the right to enroll in school immediately, even if they do not have the required documents. Residency documentation for all categories will be processed at the school where the student is enrolling. The matters involving enrollment and residency are under the direct supervision of the Superintendent or the Director of Student Accounting.
Children of Ann Arbor Public School District Employees are eligible to attend the Ann Arbor Public Schools. In accordance with MCL 388.1606(6)(1), children of District employees may also enroll if the student is the child of a regular school employee who is under contract with the Board of Education either through a Master Contract Agreement or individual contract and excludes annual supplemental agreement holders who do not fall within the definition of a regular school employee. Placement of students is based upon available space and assigned staff.
Schools of Choice - Options for Non-Residents
The Ann Arbor Public Schools, through Section 105 and 105c allowance by the State of Michigan, will open up Schools of Choice enrollment for public school districts within the Washtenaw Intermediate School District (WISD) as well as districts within the boundaries of an Intermediate School District that are contiguous to the WISD.
Residents of the following districts may apply:
- Washtenaw Intermediate School District
- Ingham Intermediate School District
- Jackson Intermediate School District
- Lenawee Intermediate School District
- Monroe Intermediate School District
- Oakland Intermediate School District
- Wayne Intermediate School District
Application to the district will be opened annually in the Spring. NOTE: Transportation to and from school is the responsibility of the parent/guardian. The ability of the family to transport students to arrive on time for daily instruction is an important consideration when applying for Schools of Choice. Enrollment limited to Young Fives through grade 10 (and 11th grade at Huron only, for students enrolling into an International Baccalaureate Programme).