• Science Technology Engineering Arts Mathematics  

    Engage. Connect. Transform.


    Ann Arbor high school students earn the minimum of three science credits required for graduation: (1) one full year of Biology for one credit, (2) one full year of Chemistry and Physics for one credit, (3) one full year of Earth Science for one credit. These courses support students in meeting the full spectrum of the  Michigan K-12 Science Standards. Students may earn a fourth credit in Science by electing a fourth year of Science.
    All high school Science courses engage students in the Science and Engineering Practices essential to career and college readiness. These practices include the following.
    • Asking questions and defining problems
    • Developing and using models
    • Planning and carrying out investigations
    • Analyzing and interpreting data
    • Using mathematics and computational thinking
    • Constructing explanations and designing solutions
    • Obtaining, evaluating and communicating information
    Course Selection
    Decisions about which specific science courses to select must be made in the context of a four-year plan. This planning process defines which courses meet the requirements outlined above and support a student’s pursuit of career and college goals. Four year planning is essential to ensure that students have the necessary skills for the courses they hope to take in their junior and senior years. The four-year plan must take into account planning for Mathematics courses necessary to support success and meet prerequisites in specific Science courses.

    For additional information about course selection, science graduation requirements  and possible science course sequences, see the High School Course Selection Guide

    Typical Science Sequences for each high school:
    see page 98 and 99 of the 2019-20 Course Guide


    Amy Deller-Antieau
    District Science Department Chair