Skyline English Language Arts provides all students with a strong foundation of literacy skills, multiple pathways to accommodate all learners and ELA coursework that embeds 21st Century skills. The 9th and 10th grade foundational coursework, including reading recovery and Academic Literacy courses, ensure that all students have experiences and opportunities demonstrating mastery as readers, writers, speakers and listeners. Students can choose to build upon this foundation from a variety of upper level ELA courses: English 11, English 12, English 11AP, English 12AP, Humanities, African American Humanities, Writing Center and Electives.
Two areas mentioned above make the Skyline ELA experience stand apart from others like it. The 21st Century skills embeded throughout every course guarantee that all Skyline students learn how to use digital tools for academic purposes. Additionally, our students are at the forefront of positive digital citizenship because of the extensive technology usage throughout. The second area of significance is the Skyline Writing Center. This course, via peer tutoring, helps every Skyline student to become a better writer. The Writing Center also publishes an award winning literary magazine every school year, providing any interested student with an opportunity to become published. Both of these help to make Skyline unique.