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April 30th Update

COVID-19 Update April 30th

AAPS COVID-19 Update
April 30th

Hello AAPS Students and Staff, Parents and Community,

I know you will want to join me tomorrow, on Friday, May 1st, as we enthusiastically celebrate and extend our deepest appreciation for our frontline AAPS School Lunch Superheroes.

The first Friday in May each year is School Lunch Hero Day, and especially this year, our food and nutrition team has risen to the challenge to achieve the status of superheroes among our AAPS staff. This amazing team, including the Chartwell’s team, Durham team, and AAPS staff volunteers, has prepared and distributed more than 175,000 meals at 17 locations in the AAPS. They provide 7 days of balanced breakfasts and lunches each week and extend critical food and nutrition support to approximately 2,000 AAPS students and their families over these 7 weeks of our COVID building closure. Click here to read the entire message and share our deep gratitude.

Today’s update includes information on:

  • AAPS Food Service
  • Connect with AAPS School Nurses
  • Connecting Together: AAPS Parent Support Group
  • Hearing from You: Input and Feedback
  • Rec and Ed Update

AAPS Food Service

Tomorrow, Friday, May 1st, is the next planned food distribution with meals provided for Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. If you have food allergy needs or cannot make it to a pick-up location, please call 734-994-2265. Full details on the AAPS Food Service are available here.

In addition to the AAPS Food Service available for students, Food Gatherers information on the supplemental food pantry and pick-up locations is here.

Connect with AAPS School Nurses

The AAPS School Nurses have launched School Nurse Care Corner websites for elementary and secondary levels. Students and parents can connect with their school nurse and browse important health and wellness information on the sites.

Connecting Together: AAPS Parent Support Group

Join members of our school psychologist team for an informal, co-facilitated parent support group to discuss your current challenges, bounce ideas around with other parents and generally find non-judgmental support and connection. Learn more and register here.

Hearing from You: We Value Your Input and Feedback

As we continue to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Ann Arbor Public Schools, we continue to seek input and feedback to help refine and enhance our efforts to meet the needs of our students, staff, families and the community. 

One of the ways we have collected feedback during this time is through a system-wide online survey for students, parents and staff. The results of the survey can be found here.

We also recently completed an online survey for families of students with special needs. On Thursday, May 7th, at 4 PM, we will host a Facebook Live Town Hall to share our current work, these results, and to hear directly from our parents. More specific details on this upcoming event will be shared next week and if you are unable to join this event live, it will be recorded and available for you. 

We also launched today an online survey for seniors in the Class of 2020 and their parents/guardians to share input on alternative plans to recognize and honor the class. We encourage members of the class of 2020 and their families to share their thoughts here and to go back and rate the thoughts of others.

Rec & Ed Update

In response to COVID-19, Rec & Ed has worked hard to successfully move many youth and adult Spring classes online at We need your input on which youth and adult classes to offer online this summer. Please take this brief survey letting us know what types of classes match your interests. Completing the survey enters you into a drawing to win $50 towards any Rec & Ed activity. The survey closes Friday, May 8. 

Thank you for your support of the Ann Arbor Public Schools as we work together to serve our students and to support each other as we navigate the many challenges of this very difficult time. 


Jeanice K. Swift
Superintendent of Schools