Fall 2020 Information Sessions
- Information Session for Parents of Students with Special Needs
AAPS General Information Session
Synopsis of AAPS General Information Session with links to video presentation.
- Greetings and Introductions
- Q What will next week look like for elementary school students and their families?
- This week we are meeting with families at meet and greet events. The same zoom link to that event will also be used on September 8th to join their class.
- Mailing of clever badges, QR codes, and how to use them will go to students’ homes. Reach out to your child’s teacher/school if you don’t receive it in the US mail by the middle of next week.
- Next week about building community and making students feel like they belong
- Monday September 14th is first full day of school with next week spent as an onramp and to teach how to use Schoology.
- Q What will next week look like for middle school students and their families?
- September 4th families will receive zoom link to their home base teacher that they will use on September 8th to go to their first class.
- First week of school home base advisory teacher will guide students and families through sessions on how to use Schoology.
- Q What will next week look like for high school students and their families?
- First day begins on September 8th at 8:30 AM with the set-up unique at each of the high schools as shared in the meet and greet sessions.
- Class meetings and advisories will take place at each school.
- Q How long will students be in front of a computer screen while learning online?
- Across all levels, students will have combination of time on the learning screen and off in each learning block. Will have full group and small group learning opportunities on the screen and individual time for learning away from the screen. Wednesday for all students are asynchronous, or not live on screen, except for advisory or home base check-in times to connect with students.
- Q How will instruction this fall be different and more robust than it was in the spring?
- AAPS has been working to make learning engaging, focused on human connections, that relations with teachers are carried through, and teaching strategies that are best for online learning are used.
- Important changes to the look and feel when student logs in to be consistent across classes with same lesson layout and consistent locations for turning in homework.
- Elementary students will have a lot of visuals built into their Schoology platform.
- Will have a lot of choice for how students participate and show their work with more live interaction between students and teachers this fall.
- Q What happens if a student has to miss a day?
- Can capture the lessons in Schoology so students can access the instruction they missed when they are able to return to online learning.
- Q In light of the racial incidents across the country this summer, how will AAPS insure all students have their needs met?
- AAPS is committed to stand strong against bias and racism in any form. We have a commitment to equity and social justice to ensure every student feels welcome, supported, and have opportunities; particularly for black and brown students.
- Q What back to school supplies do families need to have on hand for the start of school?
- Until school supply distribution happens what is needed will be provided online.
- Q What should families do to prepare for back to school?
- While supplies aren’t required, families should do normal back to school routine including getting kids back on school sleep and eating schedules.
- Q What should families do if you have connectivity issues during the school day?
- Each school will have a help desk contact to provide information right away. Additionally, the IT help desk is available at 734-997-1222 or via email at family_techsupport@aaps.k12.mi.us
- Q What will food distribution look like this fall?
- The emergency status with the US Department of Agriculture has been extended so the program will remain largely the same, with some additional locations and times added. Details are available here. More than half a million meals have been distributed since March. Families should still complete the free and reduced lunch form.
- Q How do families stay in touch with the Ann Arbor Public Schools
- Conclusion
Information Session for Parents of Students with Special Needs
Synopsis of Information Session for Parents of Students with Special Needs with links to video presentation.
- Greetings and Introductions
- Intention and plan to fully implement IEPs, if not you will receive contact from teacher or Assistant Director Student Intervention and Support Services.
- Given teachers additional tools so this fall will offer much more enhanced experience compared to the spring
- Will conduct IEP meetings and other meetings virtually until safe to be in person.
- Virtual tools will benefit students with IEPs and all AAPS students.
- AAPS Commitment: While we remain in a virtual setting, the Ann Arbor Public Schools will work to ensue that each and every student is fully supported and able to access meaningful, culturally relevant teaching and learning experiences within an online community where student strengths and funds of knowledge are honored and recognized.
- AAPS is implementing in pre-school through 12th grade Universal Design for Learning, Culturally Responsive Teaching, and Sheltered Instructional Protocols. These measures will provide all students ways to participate and show evidence of learning; honor and incorporate experiences, knowledge, and strengths of all individuals; and provide visual representations of the learning and clear language supports for vocabulary.
- Our goal is to fully implement IEPs as designed and written to the greatest extent possible. Will work collaboratively with parents to develop a robust Good Faith Effort Contingency Learning Plan if supports in IEPs can’t be met in remote learning.
- Case managers will reach out to families the week of September 8th. Families can expect more communication the week of September 14th on establishing schedules to ensure the best possible, most supported virtual learning experience.
- Services will be delivered live in the virtual setting within the general education online classroom or in small group online settings.
- Online tools and technology supports have been built into the learning environment.
- Team will make every effort possible to make virtual special education evaluations. After a family requests an initial evaluation, the school team will conduct a Review of Existing Evaluation Data (REED) in the next 10 days.
- IEP meeting will be convened within next 30 days. If unable to complete the necessary evaluations in the virtual setting families will be asked for an extension to the REED and the IEP team will create a Good Faith Effort Contingency Learning Plan until the complete evaluation can be conducted in person.
- Reevaluations will be conducted for students for whom there is a question of continued eligibility.
- Support for virtual learning is available at the SISS Resource Website. Additionally, your case manager is available to assist and the Technology help line is open from 7:30 AM to 7:30 PM at 734-997-1222 or can be emailed at family_techsupport@a2schools.org.
- Committed to work hard to make sure each and every student feels significant and valued, has access to learning every day and that we stay connected with families.
- Q How will paraprofessional support occur in virtual setting?
- Case manager in conjunction with IEP team will assign paraprofessionals based on supports needed in IEP.
- Q Parent training to support students online learning?
- Will be providing connecting together parent support sessions, resources posted on SISS website, and as needs arise will develop additional sessions.
- Q Any chances to adjust plan if student isn’t succeeding in online setting?
- Reach out to case manager and the IEP team can come together to find additional supports.
- Q How to get help in the moment if problems arise?
- Case manager is initial contact, if it is a technical issue then the Technology help line is open from 7:30 AM to 7:30 PM at 734-997-1222 or can be emailed at family_techsupport@a2schools.org. Main special education phone number ar 734-994-2318
- Q Will materials be available for my child?
- Q Will speech, OT, and other services be available live with a therapist?
- Q What if child can’t participate for a day?
- Reach out to teacher or case manager to understand what the challenge was and work together
- Q Will AAPS use GFECLP in a blanket manner to replace IEPs?
- No, will only use GFECLP in goals that can’t be meet in a virtual environment that requires face to face.
- Conclusion