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April 16th Update

AAPS Update April 16th

Ann Arbor Public Schools
Friday, April 16, 2021

AAPS Food Distribution 

The Ann Arbor Public Schools has shifted food distribution to Wednesdays. The distributions will provide food for seven days. Full details on the food distribution program, including distribution times and locations, are available here.

Free COVID-19 Testing

The Ann Arbor Public Schools is offering free COVID-19 testing at Pioneer from 12:00 - 6:00 PM on Sunday, April 18th. We encourage all AAPS staff and families to be tested prior to return to school or if you have already returned. More information and how to register here.

Spring Return to In-School Hybrid Learning

To ensure additional layers of protection in this school reopening process, we are sharing a call to action that we all work together as a community in the following priority areas to stabilize, reduce COVID case levels, and preserve the opportunity for our students, staff and families to experience a strong and healthy finish to the 2020-21 school year.

We strongly urge students and families to support this effort in the following ways:

  • Obtain COVID testing for all students prior to return to school and consistently during the coming weeks. It is advised that students and families are tested together when possible. Drive-thru testing events will be offered at our schools, and testing is free. The data from testing will be critical to inform all of us as to our progress through the current COVID surge and reduce the number of COVID cases in our schools and community.
  • Every member of our community, age 16 and above, should confirm a plan to obtain COVID vaccination at the earliest possible date. Every vaccine we achieve in Ann Arbor contributes to a safer community for our students, many of whom cannot yet receive vaccination, and for all of us.
  • Please exercise caution in any social gatherings with members outside the home family unit.

AAPS COVID Metrics Dashboard Update

This week’s update of Washtenaw County’s COVID cases and where that places AAPS according to the current CDC guidelines is available here.

AAPS Breaches of Racial Equity and Title IX Concerns Hotline

The AAPS encourages individuals who wish to share concerns or experiences, racist attitudes and practices in relation to the Pioneer High School Investigation, or other AAPS schools, to contact Bonnie Mayfield or Jill Wheaton at More information and the AAPS Breaches of Racial Equity and Title IX Concerns hotline here.

Hybrid In-Person School Breakfasts and Lunches

Families will need to order student lunches using the new AAPS Online Student Lunch Ordering system. For the rest of this school year, families will not be charged for breakfast or lunch but must register for the program in order for your student to receive a free lunch on their hybrid in-school learning day. Questions? Contact AAPS Food Service at 734-994-2265.

Supports for Transition to Hybrid In-Person Learning

To help prepare students and families to make the transition to hybrid in-person learning, we are sharing a variety of slides, narratives and videos here. We also have shared what the instructional model will look like and a school building tour here.

May 4th is Now a School Day

May 4th was initially posted as no school due to Election Day. However, with no Ann Arbor election that day, AAPS will be in session on May 4th. Carpenter Elementary will be on all virtual/remote learning due to an election in Pittsfield Township. The full calendar is available here

Summer and Fall 2021 Planning

We are preparing now for a full back-to-school in Fall 2021 as well as summer programs. As we plan for the 2021-22 school year, we have opened pre-enrollment for neighborhood schools, Young 5s and in-district transfers. Information is available here.