December 11th Update
Superintendent's Update December 11th
AAPS Superintendent's Update
December 11th
Hello AAPS Students and Staff, Parents and Community,
As we approach this winter break, 20-21, I want to share a more comprehensive update of our progress so far this fall in the AAPS, share additional information and highlight recent developments. You may see the Superintendent’s Update here.
Here are the additional updates for this week:
Webinar on Using New District-Wide Digital Library
Sora is the new district-wide digital library for independent reading. To help elementary students learn how to access and use this new resource, school librarians are hosting a webinar on Tuesday, December 15, from 7 to 8 PM here. If you have specific questions about Sora and/or your child’s account please go to our Sora FAQs or contact your school librarian. We will post the video of the event here for families that can’t attend the webinar live.
Flu Vaccine Event for School-Age Youth
The Regional Alliance for Healthy Schools (RAHS) is hosting a drive-up Flu clinic for all school-age youth 21 years old and younger at Ypsilanti High School on Tuesday, December 15, from 2 to 6 PM. For more information and to make an appointment click here.
Safety Net and Supports for Students and Families
The Ann Arbor Public Schools team continues work to extend a safety net to students and families impacted by COVID-19, including food distribution, technology and connectivity and community health support. Food distribution continues at more than 20 sites on Mondays and Thursdays. Full details on the food distribution program are available here.
AAPS COVID Metrics Dashboard Update
AAPS weekly update of the COVID-19 Metrics Dashboard was published today and can be viewed here.
These continue to be challenging days, and we appreciate your continued work in support of our students and staff, families and our Ann Arbor community. There are better days coming ahead, and we will continue to work consistently every day to serve our children and to move forward together toward a much better day.
Jeanice K. Swift
Superintendent of Schools