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February 19th Update

AAPS Update February19th

Ann Arbor Public Schools
Friday, February 19, 2021

AAPS Food Distribution and EBT Cards

The Ann Arbor Public Schools continue to distribute food on Mondays and Thursdays. These distributions now include dinner bowls. Full details on the food distribution program, including distribution times and locations, are available here.

Another round of EBT payments will be mailed out shortly from the State of Michigan to families who have qualified for Free and Reduced Lunch. The cards are mailed to students’ homes, so if your address has changed recently, you must update it with your student’s school. For more information, including how to update your address, learn more here: EBT Card Information.

AAPS COVID Metrics Dashboard Update

AAPS weekly update of the COVID-19 Metrics Dashboard was published today and may be viewed here.

Half-Day for Elementary Students

Tuesday, February 23rd, is a half-day for elementary students. The student day for K-5 students ends at 10:53 AM.

AAPS Scholarships for Graduating Seniors

AAPS offers multiple scholarships to graduating seniors looking to further their education at a credentialed college, university or trade school. To view a listing of scholarships and apply online, visit Applications are due by March 15th at 10 PM.