March 26th Update
AAPS Update March 26th
Ann Arbor Public Schools
Friday, March 26, 2021
Spring Break and Food Distribution
Please have a happy and safe spring break. Classes resume on April 5th. While school is not in session, we will still have food distribution on Wednesday, March 31st. Full details on the food distribution program, including distribution times and locations, are available here.
Spring Break Guidance
The Ann Arbor Public Schools, Washtenaw County Health Department and Washtenaw Intermediate School District will be following all CDC travel guidance and recommendations and expect everyone in our school community to do so as well. Learn more here.
Hybrid In-Person School Breakfasts and Lunches
Families will need to order student lunches using the new AAPS Online Student Lunch Ordering system. For the rest of this school year, families will not be charged for breakfast or lunch, but you must register for the program in order for your student to receive a free lunch on their hybrid in-school learning day. Questions? Contact AAPS Food Service at 734-994-2265.
AAPS COVID Metrics Dashboard Update
This week’s update of Washtenaw County’s COVID cases and where that places AAPS according to the current CDC guidelines is available here.
Supports for Transition to Hybrid In-Person Learning
To help prepare students and families to make the transition to hybrid in-person learning, we are sharing a variety of slides, narratives and videos here. We also have shared what the instructional model will look like and a school building tour here.
Student Immunizations
State law requires that students in Young 5s, Kindergarten, 7th grade and any that are new to AAPS must provide proof that your student has been vaccinated according to the state vaccine schedule or a vaccine waiver from the Washtenaw County Health Department prior to coming to school. For more information on childhood vaccines, visit the CDC Vaccine Information for Parents Page.
Free immunizations for those without insurance are available to ALL AAPS students at two AAPS buildings. The U of M Regional Alliance for Healthy Schools Clinics at Pathways to Success Academic Campus and Scarlett Middle School offer immunizations by appointment only.
Young Citizens of the Year Award
The Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation (AAACF) is now accepting nominations for the 2021 Young Citizens of the Year award. This award recognizes outstanding community service (non-school-based) by Washtenaw County high school students. Thanks to generous support from the Robert Bruce Dunlap Memorial Fund, each of the Young Citizens of the Year will receive a $3,500 scholarship to the college or university of their choice. The deadline to nominate is March 29th.
May 4th is Now a School Day
May 4th was initially posted as no school due to Election Day. However, there is no local election that day, so AAPS will be in session on May 4th. The full calendar is available here.
Summer and Fall 2021 Planning
We are preparing now for a full back-to-school in Fall 2021 as well as summer programs. As we plan for the 2021-22 school year, we have opened pre-enrollment for neighborhood schools, Young 5s and in-district transfers. Information is available here. Additionally, we are accepting applications for the lotteries to be selected for Ann Arbor Open and Community High School. The deadline for application to the lotteries is April 5th at 5 PM.