October 2nd Update
Reimagine Learning update October 2nd
October 2nd
Hello AAPS Students, Parents, Staff and Community,
We appreciate your ongoing understanding and support during this challenging fall season. We are proud of the hard work of our students and staff and the partnership of our AAPS parents and community as we all work together to support the learning, growth, and well-being of our students.
The purpose of this email is to clarify steps we have taken recently so that you have the most updated information.
Survey Feedback and Continuous Improvement Process
We appreciate all who have reached out directly to share your input and feedback as we work to refine and improve the educational experience for our children during these early weeks of the school year. We will continue to use your valued input to inform our work and to improve our processes and ask that you please share your feedback in the fall survey shared via separate email.
Metrics to Inform Decision Making to Consider Transition to Hybrid Learning
This week, following additional guidance shared by health agencies as well as in response to wide input from parents, staff and community, we have refined a set of AAPS metrics to inform considerations and decision-making in determining when we may consider a next-step transition to a hybrid learning model. The AAPS Covid Metrics Dashboard will be updated weekly, and you can view the most recently updated Dashboard here. Frequently Asked Questions about the AAPS Covid Metrics are available here. If/when new information or research becomes available, we will adjust metrics and considerations accordingly.
Next Steps and Process When Metrics Are Met
Once the metrics are achieved to consider a safe transition to in-school learning, we will notify staff, students, parents and community and share a date to begin the transition. Stage 1 of the transition to in-school learning begins with the youngest, Kinder - 2nd, and those students, K-12, with specialized learning needs; Stage 2 continues with upper elementary, grades 3-5, and the transition of secondary students will follow. Please note that no student or family will be compelled to return to school before they feel ready this year; virtual learning will continue to be in place throughout this 20-21 school year.
Current COVID and District Status Update
At this current time, due to the significant upward trend in the number of COVID cases over the previous week in Washtenaw County, the number of cases localized in AAPS zip codes, and the increased number of cases - in both per 100,000 and per million measures - the AAPS will continue in virtual learning status. We will continue to closely monitor the COVID infection data daily and share an update on the AAPS Dashboard weekly. If you would like to view more detailed information illustrating the current trend of COVID infection rates in Washtenaw county, as shared at the Board of Education meeting on Wednesday, September 30th, it is available here, or if you would like to view a video of the full discussion, it is here.
Supports for Student Learning
We will continue to closely observe the progress of our students and implement additional supports and specialized services, when needed, to promote student learning. Additional support for those students who are experiencing the most challenge in the virtual learning environment may include: small group instruction and tutoring as well as specialized recovery and support services, mental health, coping and social skill groups and other supports as may be needed. Parents who wish to share concerns about learning, social emotional or other challenges with their child should reach out directly to their classroom teacher and school principal.
Once the AAPS transitions into a hybrid learning model, students with high-level learning challenges who regularly receive academic instruction in small groups will experience additional in-school, face-to-face learning time. Our work in the AAPS to provide academic, recovery, and other specialized support for our students will continue ongoing into the future, including a robust 2021 Summer Learning Program.
We value our students, teachers, staff and leaders, parents and community and we are confident that in working together, we will navigate this challenging time. Thank you for your engagement, care and support of our students and of the Ann Arbor Public Schools.
Jeanice K. Swift
Superintendent of Schools