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Back-to-School FAQs

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Ann Arbor Public Schools
Back to School Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where can I find school bus route information?
A: Bus routes are posted on the AAPS website /Page/5392 

Q: If I have not yet signed up my eligible student for bus service can they still ride?
A: Yes, any AAPS student eligible for bus transportation can still ride. They can board at their nearest bus stop and the driver will add their name to the student rider list which will be checked for eligibility and included in the seat assignments.

Q: Will my student have to wear a mask while riding a bus or cab?
A: Yes. All students, drivers, monitors and contracted cab service drivers are required to wear masks, maintain good air flow through open windows when the weather cooperates and use the hand sanitizer before entering the bus.

Q: If I am an In-District Transfer or School of Choice student may I still ride the bus from the nearest bus stop if there is space available?
A: Based on Board of Education Policy 3760 -Transportation, which states: 

In an effort to increase access and opportunity for all students, students may ride District school buses from a regularly established and scheduled bus stop on a "Space Available Basis."  This service is available to those students that live in the Ann Arbor Public Schools' attendance area, but do not live in the school's transported area.   Families interested in Space Available Transportation must apply annually through the District and abide by all regulations, rules and guidelines set forth under this policy.

Families interested in applying for Space Available Busing can fill out the application here:

Please be aware decisions will be made based on seats available and not until after count count day in October. Families who apply for Space Available Busing will be notified if there is a seat available or if there is not a space available for the student(s). AAPS will do all it can to meet the Space Available Busing request.

Q: Will both breakfast and lunch be offered at my student’s school?
A: Yes. Both breakfast and lunch are offered FREE OF CHARGE through June 2022 to all students. It is very helpful if parents order student lunches on a weekly basis to ensure the district food order and reduce food waste. Learn more at this link: /Page/621

Q: Will AAPS continue to hold food distribution days?
A: AAPS will adjust their food distribution days since the majority of students will be attending school in person in the fall. But for families who have opted for online learning, a request for weekly food bundles will be available from your school. More to come!

Q: Will I be able to visit my student’s school in the fall during the school day?
A: Due to continued COVID exposure and spread, AAPS will continue to ask parents to make appointments with their school before entering. Many school events will continue to be held through Zoom. More information will come soon to all families. All visitors will be required to wear a mask while in school.

Q: What has been done to increase the ventilation in schools?
A: Please see this link for a detailed response:  /Page/17577

Middle Level/K-8 

Q: Are students able to bring backpacks to school? 
A: Students are allowed and encouraged to bring a backpack to school. Students will have books, a planner, and their one to one technical device. 

Q: Will athletics be offered at middle schools?
A: Athletics will be offered at the middle level. Information regarding the athletic schedule, sign-up, and safety protocols will be shared by Athletic Directors at each school. 


Q: When I’m more comfortable, will my child be able to move from the virtual village to in-person learning at their school? 
A: Yes, we will work with families at each trimester, or report card marking period, to facilitate the transition from virtual to in-person learning. This will occur in November and March. Of course, families who wish to remain virtual can continue on with virtual programming. 

Q: We are an in-district transfer family. If I choose the A2 Virtual Village this fall, will I lose my in-district transfer seat? 
A: No. All in-district transfer families will have the option to return to their chosen school.