Racial Equity and Title IX Hotline
AAPS Breaches of Racial Equity and Title IX Concerns Hotline
Please call the AAPS Breaches of Racial Equity and Title IX Concerns Hotline at 734-545-2321 to report breaches of equity, concerns regarding racist attitudes and practices, Title IX concerns and incidents of sexual harassment or sexual violence in the Ann Arbor Public Schools.
Individuals may also contact their teacher or principal, or for elementary level issues, contact Melita Alston, Executive Director Elementary Education: alston@aaps.k12.mi.us
For K-8, middle school and high school level issues, contact Roberta Heyward, Executive Director K-8, Middle and High School Education: heywardr@aaps.k12.mi.us
Pioneer High School Investigation
We encourage individuals who wish to share concerns or experiences about racist attitudes and practices in relation to the Pioneer High School Investigation, or other AAPS schools, to contact Bonnie Mayfield or Jill Wheaton at PioneerHighSchoolInvestigation@dykema.com.