School Safety Law | Fingerprinting
On January 1, 2006, all Michigan School Districts must comply with a series of Public Acts related to school safety (2005 PA 129-131 and 138). Commencing January 1, 2006, all employees, new and current, will be required to have a criminal history record check conducted by the Michigan State Police (MSP) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The new law also requires you, as an employee of the district/school to self-report to your employer and the Michigan Department of Education when you have been arraigned/charged with a crime. You must do so within three business days or you will be guilty of an additional crime. Employees will report this information to the Executive Director of HR.
Non-paid volunteers do not need to be fingerprinted, but do need to complete the Criminal Background Check form found here. The completed form is to be returned to the main office at the school building.
Effective January 1, 2006, the State of Michigan mandated that fingerprints and criminal background checks be secured for all current and new employees of Michigan Public Schools. Schools must secure fingerprints and request criminal background checks for all covered individuals on or before July 1, 2008. Schools are prohibited from allowing covered individuals who are convicted of "listed offenses" to work under contract in any school. Fingerprinting can be done at the Washtenaw Intermediate School District, 1819 S Wagner Rd., Ann Arbor. Call for available times at (734) 994-8100. See WISD's website for more information.
Download Livescan Fingerprint Form
Form to release outside fingerprint results to Ann Arbor Public Schools
Form for Ann Arbor to release fingerprints to outside schools