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Ann Arbor Public Schools

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Research Requests

The Ann Arbor Public Schools receives many requests to participate in research and while the AAPS encourages research efforts that benefit the educational field, all research requests must benefit the AAPS educational mission and goals and the advancement of general educational knowledge.  Providing the research effort is viable and does not place undue burdens on the district (Board Policy 7600.R.01, 2012), research projects work will be considered and must be submitted in the following fashion:


Please submit the following materials to

1.     The complete application and authorization from your institution’s Institutional Review Board;

2.     Your CV, and if you are a student, the CV of whomever oversees this project;

3.     Responses to the following:

  • A.   Please provide a brief overview of your project: include its purpose, your research questions, a brief discussion of methodologies, the specific details of AAPS site, staff, and student participation, your projected start date and timeline.
  • B.    Please provide a complete list of all data you will be collecting or requesting from AAPS, as well as a description of how data will be used and secured.
  • C.    Why did you choose AAPS as the setting for your research?
  • D.   How will your project benefit the educational mission and goals of AAPS?
  • E.    How will your project lead to the advancement of general educational knowledge?


Please recognize that any member of your research team who will have access to students or student data may be required to undergo a background check prior to beginning research at AAPS.


Upon receipt of the above materials, our team will work together with district leadership to consider your request.