State Assessments
Each Spring students in the Ann Arbor Public Schools participate in State of Michigan required testing. Here is more information on each of our State assessments:
- Grades 3-7
Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress (M-STEP) replaces the forty year-old Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP) and moves test administration from the fall to the spring of each school year. This will allow student measurement to be based upon current versus prior year learning. Here are the content areas being tested:
* English Language Arts - Grades 3-7
* Mathematics - Grades 3-7
* Science and Social Studies - Grades 5
- Grade 8
* PSAT 8/9 for 8th Grade - English Language Arts and Mathematics
* M-STEP - Science & Social Studies
- Grade 11
The Michigan Merit Examination (MME) in 11th grade consists of:
* SAT with Essay (Scholastic Aptitude Test) - English Language Arts and Mathematics
* ACT WorkKeys
* M-STEP - Science & Social Studies
WIDA (World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment) is a consortium of states dedicated to the design and implementation of high standards and equitable educational opportunities for English language learners. W-APT stands for the WIDA-ACCESS Placement Test. This assessment tool, known as a “screener”, should be used by educators to measure the English language proficiency of students who have recently arrived in the U.S. or in a particular district. It can help to determine whether or not a child is in need of English language instructional services.