Testing Resources
Online Practice for M-STEP & MiAccess
The online Sample Item Sets are a select group of test items in ELA, mathematics, science, and social studies that encompass different item types, such as multiple choice, constructed response, and various kinds of technology-enhanced items. The sets provide students, teachers, and parents practice in solving grade-level and content-specific test items aligned to Michigan's academic content standards.
Anyone can access the Sample Item Sets through the Chrome browser. M-STEP/MiAccess Sample Items
The directions to access the sample items:
- M-STEP is on the left side OR MiAccess is on the right side
- Select "Online Tools Training"
- Select "Sample Item Sets"
- Select the grade
- Select the content area
- Login with the Username and Password provided on the login screen
Online Practice for SAT
CollegeBoard has partnered with Khan Academy to offer free SAT practice tests and sample items. Students create accounts and are able to receive targeted practice and feedback. Students can take up to four full-length SAT tests. Go here for more information: SAT Practice Tests
Online Practice for WIDA
Anyone can access the Sample Item Sets through the Chrome browser. WIDA Sample Items
The directions to access the sample items:
- Access for ELLs 2.0 is on the left side
- Select "Test Practice"
- Select the content area
- Select the grade
- Login with the Username and Password provided on the login screen