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Ann Arbor Public Schools

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Securly Filtering

To comply with the federal Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), public school districts must take steps to prevent students from accessing obscene or pornographic materials while using district services, district-issued accounts, connectivity or equipment. CIPA compliance is required on all school district devices and services, whether they are in use at school or elsewhere. Thus, Securly fills the need for offsite content filtering only on district-issued Google accounts. CLICK HERE to access the full parent information/FAQ on the Securly Web Filter.

Parents can get the same peace of mind regarding online safety while school-issued devices are home each evening. The AAPS Securly Web Filter provides free parental controls for school-issued devices through an opt-in parent portal. The portal gives parents the ability to:

  • Check Online Activity - Allows parents to view their child(ren) recent searches, websites visited, and videos watched on their school-owned device(s).
  • Customize Rules - Lets parents customize web filtering rules when school devices are in the home.
  • Pause Internet Access - Parents can use the Home app to turn Internet access on or off with a single tap when the device is away from school.
  • Get Weekly Email Reports - Every week, parents receive a snapshot of their child’s online activity, directly to their inbox.

To enroll, go to: Special note: the email address you sign up with MUST be the same email address that is listed in PowerSchool and you MUST be listed as a parent or guardian of the student you are requesting access to.