The English Language Learner (ELL) program at Skyline High School is designed for students who qualify as English Learners (ELs) because the student’s native language is a language other than English and/or that the primary language used at home is a language other than English. This criteria, in addition to scoring within the appropriate range on the WIDA assessment which tests English language proficiency, determines if a student is an English Learner and eligible for EL services.
English Learners are provided language assistance program services in addition to basic/core education services. The language assistance program services provide meaningful access to core curriculum and provides direct language instruction that is directly related to the student’s level of proficiency. The level of support for each English Learner is determined on an individual basis; EL students are placed in courses with the purpose of attaining English proficiency, while meeting challenging State academic content and student achievement standards.
The English Language teacher’s duties include teaching “sheltered” English Language Arts classes tailored for EL students and providing “push in” support in other core subject classes. The EL teacher also collaborates with general education teachers to ensure that ELs receive content instruction that is accessible to the language level, while learning English. As a team, the teachers determine students’ needs and monitor progress. The EL teacher collaborates with teachers and support staff to provide accommodations for instruction and assessment. In addition, the EL teacher communicates with parents/guardians regarding placement information, assessment scores, exit information, and academic progress. The English Learner teacher acts as supportive liaison for EL families and advocates for their needs.