     Image of Library
    The courses at A2 Virtual+ are teacher created so that the material provided mirrors that which would be taught in the brick and mortar classroom.  Each week, the instructor will provide additional instruction to the class in the area titled "News Forum" found on the Moodle Webpage.  Course Moodle web pages also have links to supplemental material. Instructors visit the high schools on a weekly basis and set up appointments with each student during the student's open period for the purposes of instruction, guided discussions, pacing, and guidance.   It is rare, but sometimes this is not enough and students require an individualized session with the instructor.  There are many ways to see your instructor for extra help.  You can email him/her for an appointment at your school building, at the Virtual+ office, or inquire which evening your instructor is available at the drop-in center. Additionally, your instructor may send you a video explanation, request a time for Google Hangout, or just simply give you a call.  Your instructor cares about your education and is available to help.
    updated May 2018