• Last Name First Name Building/Department Title Email Phone Extension
    Andrews Kelly Angell Elementary Teacher, Resource Room andrewsk@a2schools.org 994-1907 12530
    Avernall Lindsy Angell Elementary Teacher, Art averalll@a2schools.org 994-1907 12506
    Bajorek Maria Angell Elementary Teacher, PLTW bajorekm@a2schools.org 994-1907 Floats
    Beery Craig Angell Elementary Teacher, Band beeryc@a2schools.org 994-1907 Travels
    Bonenberger Kim Angell Elementary Physical Therapist bonenbergerk@a2schools.org 994-1907 Travels
    Brenner Erica Angell Elementary School Nurse brennere@a2schools.org 994-1907 12522
    Diawara Fanta Angell Elementary Custodian (Daytime) 994-1907
    Fenech Megan Angell Elementary Principal fenechm@a2schools.org 994-1907 12202
    Fineberg Emily Angell ELementary Teacher, Art fineberge@a2schools.org 994-1907 12506
    Freeman Sally Angell Elementary Teacher, Enrichment Coordinator freeman@a2schools.org 994-1907 12515
    Friday Pam Angell Elementary Teacher, Y5 fridayp@a2schools.org 994-1907 12532
    Gary Lynn Angell Elementary Paraprofessional garym@a2schools.org 994-1907 floats
    Haft Jennifer Angell Elementary Occupational Therapist haftj@a2schools.org 994-1907 12510
    Hasspacher James (Eddie) Angell Elementary Teacher, Orchestra hasspacherj@a2schools.org 994-1907 Travels
    Hempton Brooke Angell Elementary Teacher, PE hemptonb@a2schools.org 994-1907 12527
    Hepner Kristina (Kris) Angell Elementary Teacher, Gr 2 hepner@a2schools.org 994-1907 12523
    Hoffmeyer Kyle Angell Elementary Noon Hour Supervisor hoffemeyerk@a2schools.org 994-1907
    Jedynak Katie Angell Elementary Teacher, Spanish jedynak@a2schools.org 994-1907 12530
    Junker Dorte Angell Elementary Speech-Language Pathologist junkerd@a2schools.org 994-1907 12526
    Kelly Mark Angell Elementary Building Sub kelly@a2schools.org 994-1907 Floats
    Kinsey Jill Angell Elementary Reading Assistant kinseyj@a2schools.org 994-1907
    Lane Chris Angell Elementary Paraprofessional/Noon Hour lanec@a2schools.org 994-1907 Floats
    Lauer Shannon Angell Elementary Teacher, Librarian lauers@a2schools.org 994-1907 12524
    Lee Jaejung (Jae) Angell Elementary Teacher, Gr 5 leej@a2schools.org 994-1907 12503
    Liqing Su Angell Elementary Noon Hour Supervisor sul@a2schools.org 994-1907
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