Hour of Code @ AAPS


    2019 Hour of Code at AAPS: December 9-13 2019

    Join local tech companies to bring


    to AAPS

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    Computers are everywhere, changing every industry on the planet, but fewer than half of all schools teach computer science. Girls and minorities are severely underrepresented in computer science classes, and in the tech industry. Good news is, we’re on our way to change this.

    That’s why Ann Arbor Public Schools are joining in on the largest learning event in history: The Hour of Code, during Computer Science Education Week. Our teachers will work with volunteers form Thomson Reuters and University of Michigan to provide a coding experience for elementary students.

    The Hour of Code, organized by the nonprofit Code.org and over 100 others, is a global movement that believes the students of today are ready to learn critical skills for 21st century success. For information on the program, please visit code.org.