Continuity of Learning - Spring 2020

  • Governor Whitmer announced on Thursday, April 2, that Michigan schools will remain closed for the rest of this school year. We are saddened at the thought of not seeing our students over these many weeks; each AAPS staff member will miss being together with your bright and talented students. We have been preparing for this possibility and have worked hard to build our AAPS Continuity of Learning Plan (CLP). Our goal is to ensure that every AAPS student continues to engage and learn forward in our curricula with our dedicated AAPS staff remotely for the remainder of the school year. Click here for full Continuity of Learning message.

Remote Learning Resource Center

  • The Ann Arbor Public Schools Remote Learning Resource Center is designed to provide support to students and families to navigate the remote learning plans during the Michigan state-mandated school closure period. While learning expectations and additional resources can be found here, please know that daily lessons for all courses are posted within each teacher's learning platform. The information listed on this web page is dynamic and will be updated regularly in response to the needs of our AAPS community.
    Please click here for AAPS COVID-19 updates.

Learning Plans & Resources

  • Elementary level Middle School level High School level

Student & Family Supports

  • Special education continuity of learning plan Support services resources Parent Support Options

Technology Support Links