AAPS District Math Testing Information: http://www.a2schools.org/Page/7900
Connected Mathematics Site: https://connectedmath.
msu.edu/families/ - Question Prompts to help with homework: https://
connectedmath.msu.edu/ families/homework-support/ - Content and explanations, select worked out homework solutions, math background for each grade level:
- 6th grade: https://connectedmath.
msu.edu/families/helping-with- math/cmp3-grade-6/ - 7th grade: https://connectedmath.
msu.edu/families/helping-with- math/cmp3-grade-7/ - 8th grade: https://connectedmath.
msu.edu/families/helping-with- math/cmp3-grade-8/ - FAQs: https://connectedmath.
msu.edu/families/faqs/ - Math Glossary: https://
connectedmath.msu.edu/ families/glossary/
- Question Prompts to help with homework: https://