Forsythe Middle School

Ann Arbor Public Schools

School Announcements

  • For Athletics information: 

    Click on the Athletics link in the red banner under the photos. 

    For Club information: 

    Click on the Activities link in the red banner under the photos. 

    Comments (-1)

See full event calendar

Forsythe events are in Red.

  • PowerSchool




  • Welcome to Forsythe Middle School
    Home of the Vikings

    Our Mission Statement:

    To educate students to become life-long learners who are knowledgeable, respectful, and responsible citizens.


    Student registration for the 2024-25 school year will take place on Thursday, August 15, 2024.

    We’re looking forward to meeting students and their families on registration day. During registration, students will take their school pictures, receive their class schedules, walk around and locate their classes, and practice opening their lockers. Each grade level has a designated time frame for registration.

    Please refer to the email sent by Mrs. Newing for grade level/ last name arrival times. If you need further information please call us at 734-994-1985.


     Schoology Help Documents

    Rights & Responsibilities


    AAPS Technology Help Desk
    Students & Families:
    ​Call 734-997-1222 or email:
    Available 7:30am to 4pm

    Summer Hours 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
    Technology FAQs for Parents


    Forsythe is a Special Olympics Michigan Unified Champion School!

    Special Olympics Michigan Unified Champion Schools is an education and sports-based strategy powered by an engaged student community that breaks down the barriers that separate students with and without intellectual disabilities. The Unified movement activates youth, engages educators, and promotes school communities of acceptance and inclusion where all young people are agents of change. It aims to increase athletic and leadership opportunities for students with and without intellectual disabilities.

    Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools Logo






    No person shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in any educational program or activity available in any school on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, creed, political belief, age, national origin, linguistic and language differences, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, socioeconomic status, height, weight, marital or familial status, disability or veteran status.


  • Forsythe Event Calendar

    Includes Forsythe, District, & Religious Calendars
    Forsythe events are in red, district events are in blue, religious events are in purple.
    Access the AAPS District Calendars

    Click on the tab below to see the
    calendar in a different view
    (Week, Month or Agenda view)

District Spotlight


  • The Ann Arbor Public Schools has partnered with PowerSchool Enrollment to allow parents to pre-enroll their students online. Please see our Who Can Apply page for more information.

    Enrollment Process:

    1. Determine which enrollment options are available and best suit your student.
    2. Complete an online pre-enrollment application.
    3. Complete the full enrollment by email invitation, and upload the required enrollment documents.

    Ann Arbor Public Schools is proud to offer multiple enrollment options for our families in order to best serve our community.

    Follow this link to get started.