May 8, 2023 - Teacher Appreciation Week

May 8 - May 12, 2023

“I touch the future. I teach.” 

– Christa McAuliffe

Hello AAPS Teachers,

Teachers, you make a remarkable and profound difference for our students each day in significant, inspiring ways. Our students benefit tremendously from their learning experiences in our classrooms under the guidance of our extraordinary Ann Arbor Public Schools teachers.

A quality teacher makes all the difference in student growth and learning, both today and across the arc of a child’s development and life. Our respect and gratitude continue for each teacher across our classrooms, and the role our teachers fulfill in persevering to achieve our critical mission to care for, connect and serve our students and families. AAPS teachers, the work you do every day as an educator truly does matter.

The power of your daily connections, care and compassion for students nurtures strong relationships and transformative learning and growth for students. We are all inspired as you continue to demonstrate that the classroom is much more than a physical location; connections and learning extend far beyond the school's physical walls and into the lives of students, their families and across our Ann Arbor community. 

During this Teacher Appreciation Week and every week in the AAPS, we celebrate you, our teachers. The unmistakable impact of your remarkable work extends beyond today, transcends the limits of space and time and gives us all hope for brighter days ahead. As First Lady Jill Biden so beautifully stated in a message to our nation’s educators, “Never forget that student by student, the lives you change go on to change the world.” 

We are sharing this special message through the beautiful voices of our AAPS students as we begin this May Teacher Appreciation Week!

Click here to watch our brief AAPS Teacher Appreciation Week Video.

With Much Gratitude, 

Jeanice Kerr Swift
Superintendent of Schools
Ann Arbor Public Schools