Week 35
Posted by Becky Gracey on 5/19/2023 4:00:00 PM
“The best way to avoid mosquito- and tick-borne illnesses is to prevent bites,” says Kristen Schweighoefer, MPH, RS, environmental health director for the Health Department.
“Tick season is already here. If any community member finds a tick attached to their body, they should remove it right away and monitor their health. If any symptoms like a fever, rash, or muscle or joint aches develop, contact a medical provider immediately.”
Read about how to prevent bites and see local data on vector-borne diseases in our latest press release.
King Learning Garden 2023 Summer Help
It is that time of year where we are thinking about the school year coming to a close, BUT...the garden is still growing! We are hoping that you will consider adopting the garden for a week or more this summer. Our students and families have learned, cared, loved, and spent time taking care of the King Learning Garden during the school year. Without your help and the help of others, the garden can't grow over the summer. This involves weeding, watering and harvesting during your week.
We will be sending out volunteer information on step by step directions of how to care for the garden if you sign up! This year we are planting a lot! So we are hoping for some extra help (and there might be fresh goodies to take home and enjoy too). SUMMER 2023 VOLUNTEER SIGN UP CLICK HERE FOR SUMMER 2023 KLG VOLUNTEER
Message from Mrs. Burrill:
King Library Books Due by Friday, June 2!
The last week students can borrow King library books is May 22-26. All books are due by Friday, June 2. Overdue notices will be sent weekly via email until the end of the school year.
If a book is damaged/lost, please let me know so it can be marked accordingly in our catalog. A donated book in good condition or a new replacement copy is accepted as we don’t charge late fines or take payments.
Thank you!
Mrs. Burrill