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Angell Elementary
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Angell Enrichment
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Principal's Page
Principal's Weekly Updates
Y5- Mrs. Friday
K - Mrs. McKee
K - Mrs. Ziolkowski
2- Ms. Hepner
1 - Ms. Medeiros
1 - Miss Stull
2- Mrs. Mato
2 - Mrs. Williams
3 - Mrs. Ward
3 - Mrs. Moynihan
4 - Miss Starr
4 - Mrs. Sawin
5 - Ms. Lee
5 - Miss Newman
Specials - Art - Ms. Stepnik
Specials - Art - Ms . Avenall
Specials - PE - Mrs. Hempton
Specials -4th/5th Grade Spanish - Mrs. Jedynak
Specials - Vocal Music - Mrs. Ryan
Specials - Instrumental Music - Mr. Hasspacher
Specials - Instrumental Music - Mr. Beery
Specials - Media Center - Mrs. Lauer
Specials - PLTW- Mrs. Bajorek
Resource Room - Ms. Andrews
Support Staff - Mrs. Junker
Support Staff - School Psychologist - Dr. Williams
Support Staff - Ms. Perry
Support Staff - Mrs. Poliquin
Support Staff ~ Mrs. Rudberg, ELL
Food Service - Ms. Wales
Custodial - Miss Fanta and Mr.Smith
Office Staff -Mrs. Fenech, Principal
Office Staff - Mrs. Tomlins, Teacher Clerk
Office Staff - Mrs. Reid, School Secretary
Teaching Assistant ~ Mrs. Petainen
Teaching Assistant - Mr. Lane
Teaching Assistant - Mrs. Gary
Building Substitute - Mrs. Neelands
Building Substitute ~ Mr. Kelly
Building Substitute - Mrs. Lynch
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Angell Events Calendar
AAPS Breaches of Racial Equity and Title IX Concerns Hotline
AAPS Breaches of Racial Equity and Title IX Concerns Hotline