Supportive Connections:
Supportive Connections connects adults to resources for substance abuse treatment, therapy, employment, social services, basic needs, housing and more.
Any adult 18+ with a student at AAPS can contact Supportive Connections or refer someone in need.
Phone: 734-794-6934
2-1-1 Michigan: 2-1-1 is available 24/7 and provides information about health and human services resources available in the community.
The Ann Arbor Community Center: Can help with urgent needs. If you have an urgent need, please call them at 734-662-3128 and leave a message. Be clear about what your need is in your message.
Having a housing Emergency? Contact Housing Access for Washtenaw County (HAWC):
For families and individuals experiencing issues with homelessness or experiencing a housing crisis.
Please note that the best time to contact HAWC is Thursday afternoons.