Career-related Programme at Huron: 11th - 12th Grade
Huron High School is authorized to offer the International Baccalaureate Career-related Programme (CP) to all students in 11th and 12th grade.
What is the IB Career-related Programme all about?
The CP is a framework of international education that incorporates the values of the IB (inquiry, global awareness, service and action, language acquisition) into a unique program addressing the needs of students engaged in career-related education. The CP supports students in three areas - technical skills, academic skills, and employability skills - and leads students to further/higher education, apprenticeships or employment.
- Technical Skills - Students study within their chosen career-related study field in both 11th and 12th grade.
- Academic Skills - Students choose two or more Diploma Programme (DP) classes (of the 27 course choices) in 11th and 12th grade.
Employability Skills - Students who are a part of the CP study the core elements of the program (Reflective Project, Service Learning, Personal and Professional Skills course, language development) throughout both 11th and 12th grade as one of their scheduled classes called CP Core Advisory.
CP Students take:
- Courses in their career-related study field for 4 consecutive semesters in 11-12th grades
- A minimum of two of the DP courses listed below (one must be a two year course)
- CP Core Advisory, a course taken for 4 consecutive semesters in 11th and 12th grades.
The following career-related studies are part of the initial Huron CP offering:
- Automotive Services (Auto Service Technology 1 and 2)
- Business, Management, Marketing and Technology (Accounting, Marketing, Principles of Management, Entrepreneurship, Web Design, Computer Applications Technology)
- Culinary Arts and Hospitality (Culinary Arts and Hospitality, Baking and Pastry Arts)
- Cosmetology (Cosmetology 1 and 2)
- Engineering (Introduction to Engineering Design, Principles of Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Design and Development)
- Home Building (Home Building 1 and 2)
- Note: Additional career-related choices are coming. Please check back!
Offering the CP at Huron furthers opportunities for students to choose their “IB best fit” for 11th and 12th grade. As a reminder, the “IB best fit” choices in 11th and 12th grade include:
- Course student - a student chooses to take one or more Diploma Programme (DP) courses during 11th and 12th grad
- CP student - a career and technical education focused student chooses to take two or more DP courses and completes the CP Core during 11th and 12th grade
- Full DP student (i.e. DP candidate) - a student chooses to take six DP courses and completes the DP Core (Extended Essay; Creativity, Activity and Service; Theory of Knowledge course) during 11th and 12th grade.
The addition of CP to 11th and 12th grade at Huron provides additional IB pathways for upperclassmen wishing to engage in career-related learning while gaining transferable and lifelong skills in applied knowledge, critical thinking, communication, and cross-cultural engagement.
More information about the CP can be found on our Parent Resources page: CLICK HERE.