Preparing for 9th Grade
For questions, please contact: Amina Allen, Ph.D. at
- build positive, persistent academic identities among students;
- increase the capacity of individuals and systems for teaching to rigorous standards;
- build a classroom culture that fosters respectful engagement in academics; and
- create dramatic improvements in student achievement.
By invitation. Currently enrolled 8th-grade students who are found eligible and are extended an invitation.
July 5-7, July 10-27 (M-TH) @ Pioneer HS
For questions, please contact Amina Allen, PhD at
The EL Bridge program is designed for exiting 8th grade and recently arrived high school English Learners to earn 0.5 elective credit while getting exposure to academic and social opportunities to help them successfully transition to high school. The main objectives of EL Bridge include:
- Building English language skills in the core content areas with a specific focus in Language Arts through a variety of activities rooted in SIOP;
- Preparing for a successful transition into high school for incoming 9th graders and newcomers, including refugees and students with limited or interrupted formal schooling (SLIFES); and
- Establishing school knowledge (school skills, school resources, communication with teachers, etc.) for EL students to use in order to advocate for their school-based needs.
By invitation. Exiting 8th grade and recently arrived high school ELs found eligible are extended an invitation. Enrollment in EL Bridge is by invitation based on English Learner assessment data. Parents of invited students will receive a communication with instructions on how to indicate their desire to participate in the program.
June 20th through July 7th (no school on 7/3 and 7/4) @ Carpenter Elementary
For questions, please contact Amina Allen, PhD at
The EL Bridge program is designed for exiting 8th grade and recently arrived high school English Learners to earn 0.5 elective credit while getting exposure to academic and social opportunities to help them successfully transition to high school. The main objectives of EL Bridge include:
- Building English language skills in the core content areas with a specific focus in Language Arts through a variety of activities rooted in SIOP;
- Preparing for a successful transition into high school for incoming 9th graders and newcomers, including refugees and students with limited or interrupted formal schooling (SLIFES); and
- Establishing school knowledge (school skills, school resources, communication with teachers, etc.) for EL students to use in order to advocate for their school-based needs.
By invitation. Exiting 8th grade and recently arrived high school ELs found eligible are extended an invitation. Enrollment in EL Bridge is by invitation based on English Learner assessment data. Parents of invited students will receive a communication with instructions on how to indicate their desire to participate in the program.
June 20th through July 7th (no school on 7/3 and 7/4) @ Carpenter Elementary
For questions, please contact Amina Allen, Ph.D. at
The aim of the MS/HS Transition Program is to provide invited 8th-grade students with support in transitioning to and through high school. The broad goals of the program are to increase social-emotional and academic success in high school, develop demonstrated character and leadership skills and increase parent and student sense of school connectedness, confidence and agency. The above goals are achieved through the program’s 5 core elements: mentorship, parent partnerships, introducing students to engaging learning and social-emotional, soft skill and leadership development. The program consists of a summer school experience and 4-year mentorship component as determined by each high school.
When is the session/s: June 28 & 29, July 5-27 (T-Th) from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Lunch 11:30-12:00) @ Pioneer, Transportation: School buses
Parent Meeting Video
Parent Meeting Slide Presentation
By invitation. Exiting 8th-grade students who meet criteria and are extended an invitation.
June 28 & 29, July 5-27 (T-Th) @ Pioneer High School