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Ann Arbor Public Schools

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High School Mathematics

Science Technology Engineering Arts Mathematics  

Engage. Connect. Transform.

High School Mathematics

Ann Arbor high school students earn four mathematics credits required for graduation by completing a four-year mathematics sequence. The mathematics credits required for graduation are:
  • Algebra I
  • Geometry
  • Algebra II
  • Fourth-year Mathematics course during the senior year
Course sequences that meet the graduation requirements are shown below including accelerated or advanced options (AC, AB, BC, and AP courses). These courses are guided by the Michigan K-12 Standards for Mathematics and prepare students to be College and Career Ready.  For additional information about course selection and possible mathematics course sequences, see the Ann Arbor Public School Student Services Guide
 Typical Mathematics Course Sequences

8th Grade

9th  Grade

10th Grade

11th Grade

12th Grade

Grade 8 Math

Algebra 1 


Intensified Algebra 1


 Algebra 2 

Senior Advanced Math


*Mathematics Elective  

 Algebra 1 AC


 Algebra 2

 Senior Advanced Math
*Mathematics Elective 

 Algebra 1 AC


 Geometry AC

 Algebra 2 AC 

 Precalculus AC

 *Mathematics Elective  
*Mathematics Electives
*Career Technical Education (CTE)
Students may take the following CTE courses for 4th year mathematics graduation requirement.


Accounting I & II                    0.5 credit each

Calculus AB, AP

Auto Services Technology 1 & 2     1.0 credits each

Calculus BC, AP

Engineering Design         0.5 credits

Computer Science Principles

Home Building                        1.0 credit

Computer Science A, AP

Hospitality Today                     1.0 credit

Computer Science Principles, AP

Money Management I & II       0.5 credit each 

Computer Science Mobile App Development

Personal Finance                     0.5 credits

Finance & Statistics

Principles of Engineering     0.5 credit 

Math Analytical Thinking


Math, Senior Advanced




Precalculus, AC




Statistics, AP



The math classrooms in Ann Arbor Public Schools use both Desmos and a variety of Texas Instruments graphing calculators; most are TI-83s and TI-84s.  Students in Math 7 and above have access to a TI84 online graphing calculator on their Chromebooks.  For families interested in purchasing a calculator for home use, we would suggest a similar calculator, a TI-84.  The PSAT and SAT now have the Desmos Graphing Calculator  fully integrated into the tests.  This free online graphing calculator works on all devices, and is a powerful tool.  Students can save, share, and re-open their work by using the google login.  Desmos may also be accessed through Clever.


Online textbook links for HS Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2

Student editions:

Family material:

Anne Marie Nicoll-Turner 
District Mathematics Department Chair