Elementary Science
Science Technology Engineering Arts Mathematics
Engage. Connect. Transform.
Elementary Science
The Ann Arbor Public Schools uses Phenomenal Science as its core elementary science learning resource.
Phenomenal Science is a comprehensive curriculum for K-5 science that aligns with the Michigan Science Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The curriculum units integrate mathematics and English Language Arts components while embedding engineering concepts and technology usage throughout the instructional materials.
These units incorporate instructional strategies that facilitate three-dimensional learning in K-5 science education, including productive discussions, interdisciplinary integration, note-taking, and inquiry cycles or storylines centered around anchoring phenomena. Additionally, elements of engineering, mathematics, and language arts are woven into the curriculum.
The program emphasizes science instruction as a process of student sense-making. The development of Phenomenal Science is grounded in research on effective science learning, incorporating constructivist approaches, social learning theories, applications of neuroscience, higher-order thinking, inquiry, and critical evidence from A Framework for K-12 Science Education (NAP, 2011).
K-6 students learn about the natural environment through field trips, site visits, and lessons with local naturalists. This program enhances science learning experiences by connecting grade level content and environmental education. Please see the following link for more information.