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1st Social Studies Family

First Grade Social Studies

Dear First Grade Families;

Welcome to the Ann Arbor Public Schools Family Pages. We hope the information you find here assists you in supporting your child while s/he is learning important skills and concepts throughout the first grade year. 
Three key sources inform the elementary Social Studies program; (1) The Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations, (2) the C3 Framework for College, Career and Civic Life for Social Studies State Standards, and (3) Social Studies Alive!. The Michigan GLCEs define what the state expects students to know and be able to do in Social Studies at the end of each grade level. Social Studies Alive! is the core learning resource used throughout the Ann Arbor Public Schools elementary grades. To take a deeper look at each unit go to:     Atlas: First Grade Social Studies 
First Grade Social Studies Focus: My School and Family


  How Do We Get Along in School?

Children learn ways to get along in school. In an Experiential Exercise, they play a game in which they work together to draw a picture. They discover the value of cooperating to complete a task. Then children read about four ways they can practice getting along in school.

Why Is It Important to Learn from Each Other?

Children explore their similarities and differences and discover the importance of learning from and accepting each other. In a Social Studies Skill Builder, they complete questionnaires that reveal their preferences, interests, and special skills. They then build interpersonal skills by practicing appropriate ways to talk and listen.

Why Do Schools Have Rules?

Children learn why schools have rules. In an Experiential Exercise, they play a game without rules to discover why rules are needed. They then read about four reasons for school rules.

Who Helps Us at School? 

Children learn about the typical duties of a school teacher, principal, secretary, and custodian, and discover how each contributes to the school community. In a Visual Discovery activity, they analyze images of school staff and listen to a recording of each person describing his or her job, and use this information to act out each role.

How Are We Good Helpers at School?

Children discover that they can make valuable contributions at school by helping others, respecting school property, being positive, and solving problems. In Response Group activities, they explore four situations they might encounter at school and discuss the best ways to be good helpers.

 What Is a Map?

Children learn about maps. After listening to a story about an escaped mouse, they help create a map of the story setting. Then, in a Social Studies Skill Builder, they practice reading a map.

What Was School Like Long Ago?

Children discover what schools were like long ago and compare them to schools today. In a Response Group activity, they view and read about school objects from the past, discussing their identities and uses.

What Groups Do We Belong To?

Transitioning from schools to families, children learn about groups they may belong to. In a Social Studies Skill Builder, they identify and categorize different types of groups.

How Are Families Special?

Children learn that all families are special in different ways. In a Writing for Understanding activity, they read about family members, homes, and activities, and then create a book about their own family members, homes and activities.

  What Do Families Need and Want?

Children learn what families need and want. In a Problem Solving Group work activity, they create camping triaramas (miniature three-dimensional scenes) that depict what families would need and want on a camping trip. Afterward, children justify why selected camping items are needs and wants.

How Do Family Members Care for Each Other?

Children learn about ways family members care for each other. In a Response Group activity, they categorize pictures illustrating family members into three categories of caring for one another.

How Do Families Change?

Children learn about ways families change over time. In a Visual Discovery activity, they discover what happens when people grow older. They also learn how families change size.

What Are Family Traditions?

Children explore their own family traditions and learn about the traditions of others. In Experiential Exercises, they participate in celebrations from different cultures.

 What Do Good Neighbors Do?

Transitioning into the Grade 2 focus on communities, children learn about neighbors and neighborhoods. In a Problem Solving Group work activity, children illustrate and assemble puzzles that show examples of actions that good neighbors take.