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AAPS Curriculum Maps

Welcome to the Ann Arbor Public Schools Curriculum Maps

Visit the AAPS Curriculum Maps

AAPS Curriculum Maps

Curriculum maps provide a blueprint of the desired learning outcomes for all AAPS students. Within the Atlas mapping system, staff, students and families will find information about the outcomes, core skills, content vocabulary, and essential concepts, by grade level and by content area.

Curriculum mapping takes place in collaboration between educators from all levels and content areas with content and level Teaching & Learning curriculum leaders. The process of mapping is ongoing and maps are updated regularly.  “The strength of curriculum mapping is it’s ability to provide a living document(Heidi Hayes-Jacobs). Course maps are dynamic and will continually evolve in order to best meet the needs of our AAPS community.

When you enter the site, you will find the welcome page and some directions to help you navigate the site. As you browse, you will see that courses are organized by units of study and provide a calendar view (or sequence) of topics to be covered. We invite you to explore the exciting work we do every day.

More about Curriculum Mapping 

Rubicon Atlas

Our curriculum maps are built on a site called Rubicon Atlas. This provides a platform for collaborative work and common understandings. Before entering the AAPS Curriculum Map site, it may be helpful to review the navigation tools.  

Links to Rubicon Atlas Navigating Tools


Click here to enter our AAPS Curriculum Map Home Page

Hayes-Jacobs, Heidi, Getting Results with Curriculum Mapping (2004),  p.9